
全球视角:庆祝文化 & 学前班的传统

全球视角:庆祝文化 & 学前班的传统

Celebrating various 传统, 文化, and customs in Green Vale’s 儿童早期 项目允许孩子们接受差异, 培养同情心, and recognize the 相互联系的ness of humanity—granting them a unique global perspective. By immersing themselves in different cultural experiences, 他们获得了全球视野, learning to navigate a diverse world with sensitivity and open-mindedness. Teaching cultural appreciation at an early age lays the foundation for a generation capable of embracing and valuing the uniqueness of individuals and societies worldwide, contributing to a more harmonious and 相互联系的 global community.

“了解我们之外的世界, 是一个挑战, 但却是儿童早期发展的必要组成部分,澳门新葡京官网的学前班老师说, 詹妮弗Milillo. “小孩子天生以自我为中心. They contemplate the world only from their personal perspective." 

通过澳门新葡京官网的全球儿童倡议, 学龄前儿童从事有意义的文学, 沉浸在孩子们的庆祝活动中, 文化, 传统, 音乐, 食物, 还有来自世界各地的假期. These opportunities offer children not only a reflection but also a window into lives vastly different from their own. 根据他们的发展阶段量身定制, 这个项目提供了一个全球视角, fostering an understanding of children worldwide and within our communities.

Homa Sabet Tavangar, a renowned author and speaker specializing in global citizenship, collaborated with GVS teachers to cultivate a culture that embraces global competencies. Tavangar的 全球儿童卡 provide hands-on activities to teach children about crafts, 食物, 游戏, 世界各地的节日和帮助他人的方式. These resources enhance the depth of their explorations, enriching the educational experience for both educators and students alike.

"We always open each lesson with an exploration of the world map, 真正吸引孩子们的是什么,米利洛分享道。. "It helps them grasp that children live all over the world, leading to discussions about similarities and differences in their lives. The map also serves as a springboard for our cultural explorations."

Below are some compelling examples of how GVS Global Kids celebrates diverse 文化 worldwide, imparting knowledge through age-appropriate activities that spark insightful discussions, broadening young minds beyond their immediate surroundings.

孩子们读到佩佩和游行特蕾西·凯尔, a children's book that revolves around a young boy named Pepe who worries that he will not be able to participate in a parade when he realizes he doesn't have a costume for the event. 从故事中汲取灵感, 孩子们做了烦恼娃娃, 也被称为麻烦娃娃或muñecas quitapenas, which are a traditional craft originating from Guatemala and other parts of Central America. 根据危地马拉民间传说, these tiny dolls have the power to take away worries and anxieties when placed under a pillow at night.

Diwali -灯节
通过故事”让我们一起庆祝排灯节吧作者:Anjali Joshi, the class learned about the significance of light triumphing over darkness and shared experiences related to the celebration. After attending a Diwali assembly and watching a traditional dance by a fellow student, the children were inspired to recreate a Diwali celebration in class. They crafted clay diyas and hosted a feast adorned with diyas, symbolizing the festival's spirit.

A Turkish Tradition - Apple Tea for Hospitality and Friendship
探索伊斯坦布尔的传统, 火鸡, the class sipped on Apple Tea while discovering 火鸡 on the map. 夫人. Milillo shared her experiences at The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, 加强儿童的文化联系.



Instructions: Boil apples and cinnamon in water, let cool, and enjoy!

全班读到我是一个故事" by Dan Vaccarino—a powerful book that celebrates the timeless nature of stories and their impact on human lives through its engaging illustrations and simple yet profound narrative. The book served as a foundation for the understanding that storytelling comes in various forms beyond words and the importance of preserving and sharing narratives.  用这个故事作为催化剂, the class seamlessly transitioned into exploring how Indigenous communities use beadwork as a form of storytelling. 这激发了他们创造粘土珠的灵感, 油漆他们, 做项链, which were worn during the 儿童早期 Friendsgiving event.

尊重非洲的遗产和文化, the class discussed the 7 Principles of Kwanzaa: Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia(自主), 宇岛(集体工作与责任), Ujamaa(合作经济), Nia(目的), Kuumba(创造力), 和伊玛尼(信仰). 作为一种实践活动, the students collaboratively crafted a Communal Mkeka Mat, 这是宽扎节庆祝活动的核心象征. This mat was adorned with a basket of First Fruits of the Harvest, 团结杯, 用玉米来表示对他们庄稼的感激, 他们的社区意识, 以及他们对未来的希望.

A warm invitation is extended to parents from all cultural heritages to share their rich 传统 and customs with the school community. 通过这些引人入胜的访问, parents have the opportunity to offer unique insights into their heritage, 传统, 和价值观. These interactions enrich students' understanding of the world.

By providing an age-appropriate platform of cultural exploration and understanding, Green Vale's Global Kids program stands as a testament to the profound impact that celebrating cultural varieties at a young age can have. 通过文学, 身临其境的体验, 以及实践活动, young minds are not merely learning about the world—they're embracing it.

Our dedicated educators at GVS are nurturing a generation that cherishes differences, 培养同情心, and navigates the global landscape with a profound sense of appreciation and open-mindedness. As these children embark on their journey through education and beyond, they carry with them the invaluable gift of a broadened perspective—an enduring legacy that propels us towards a more harmonious, 相互联系的, 富有同情心的全球社区.